Kentucky and Oregon have very similar population totals, but somehow Hillary was trounced in Oregon by 18 points, but no such language is used to describe Hillary's 35 point winning margin in Kentucky. This type of internet "news" reporting has been going on for several months now.
The lack of quality reporting about the cheating that went on by the Barack Obama camp in the caucus states and the assault on Hillary Clinton by the media and the internet has been a disgrace to freedom loving people around the world.
Honestly, I am so angry about all of this it makes me sick!
This race will go down in history for many reasons. I'm not just talking about the candidates being the first viable African American and the first viable Woman.
This is the first time in our country's history that we have a candidate winning overwhelming victories one after the other yet the media is telling voters that those victories don't matter, aren't legitimate and are of no consequence.
NEVER in history has this been done! 41 and 35 point wins are NOT insignificant by any stretch!
The delegate count is less than 200 delegates apart! It's not like the Ron Paul situation where he has 19 delegates but hasn't dropped out and has been reportedly planning on taking his case to the convention. Noone is talking about how "desperate and impossible' his chances are. Noone is writting stories about when he will walk away.
I am in shock and disbelief that this could even be happening! CNN has even gone so far as to say Hillary should go to the voters in west virginia and kentucky and tell them to take back their votes if they are racists! How exactly do they propose that?
Should Barak do the same with all the African American Voters who blatantly said they were voting for him soley based on his skin color? Again how would that even be possible if one were to consider it?
Unfortunately, yes, some people are racists and bigots (on both sides of this issue) however even they have the right to vote for their candidate regardless of their reasons. That's called Democracy.
Besides, who says it's all about racisim? THE MEDIA OF COURSE! Here we go again!
Isay forget the media. Get your news from more reliable scorces. Get it from scources who do not have a dog in the fight. In other words these people are playing this to the hilt for reasons of their own. Don't be fooled! We are NOT SHEEP!
....."I say forget the media. Get your news from more reliable scorces. Get it from scources who do not have a dog in the fight. In other words these people are playing this to the hilt for reasons of their own. Don't be fooled! We are NOT SHEEP!" -Pamela
Hi Pamela. I actually was completely on the fence between Barack and Hillary, until Bill Clinton was accused of racism in South Carolina. I knew that couldn't be possible and that was when I really started noticing the media bias against the Clintons.
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