Sunday, April 27, 2008

Calling out all the Progressive-Aggressive Radical Sites...Huffington Post, Moveon, Air America, Kos, and a few others

Calling out all the Progressive-Aggressive Radical Sites...Huffington Post, Moveon, Air America, Kos, and a few others
Huffington Post, Moveon, Air America, Kos, MSNBC and a few others, why do you all love to hate Hillary Clinton so much? Do you really think that if you showed a supportive side to her she would ignore you during her term in office?

I believe the liberal and progressive antipathy towards Hillary is completely about the Iraq War. I don't really support the war in Iraq, however, my frustration about the war has to do with George Bush not pushing for petroleum reduction as a quid pro quo agreement for going to war. You can go to war, George, as long as you also immediately implement a policy that weans us off of foreign oil. Instead, we have helped accelerate the use of even more oil by having so many troops in Iraq that consume A LOT of oil, while doing very little at home to reduce oil consumption and dependence.

I do not mean to minimize the tragedy of soldier deaths by making this about oil, except that the Iraq oil is about oil. Everyday we allow the elite of the world to waste petroleum just makes the inevitable task of reducing petroleum consumption even more difficult. Eventually these shortsighted policies will lead to future wars over oil involving even larger groups of soldiers. George Bush started a war over us maintaining our lifestyle as is, and that is my biggest complaint about the War in Iraq.

I believe that the oil elite subscribe to the philosophy of "Let the marketplace decide". Conserving oil just doesn't matter to them because driving the price of oil up actually gives them massive oil profits and also enables the alternative energy market a better chance of competing and thriving, they rationalize. The problem with this rationalization is that excessive profits from the high price of petroleum are being used to create new products, that rely on even MORE petroleum consumption!

The elite rich can simply use their huge oil profits to continue to live lavishly and wastefully if they choose while the rest of us get subjugated to the remaining oil that trickles down rather than using the fruits of viable alternative energy options, that continue to remain on the back burner.

(to be continued).

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