Sunday, March 16, 2008

Opposite Sides of the World Interpret Same Events, Oppositely.

When people in the United States assemble for a protest, they usually are much calmer than the crowds seen protesting on the "other side of the world".  In the United States there are both industrialized and white collar jobs that appear to be peaceful.  Whether one works on an assembly line piecing together gas guzzling, oil thirsty S.U.V.'s, or one works for a fortune 500 company orchestrating IPO's so that huge malls and corporate villages that straddle pristine forest land can be built, these jobs are considered to be "peaceful" in nature, especially when business is conducted in air conditioned, relatively comfortable surroundings (no disrespect to the miners out there is intended).

Ironically, an abundance of civilized jobs in america create a greater and greater need for oil and other resources that must be procured from outside of american borders.  Is that really a peaceful way to live?  

The types of jobs found in the opposite part of the world may not appear as appealing to america, but for the most part they may in fact be the peaceful type of jobs that we portend to have in the United States.  Do you begin to see an irony here?  We believe we have peaceful jobs, a peaceful economy that the world over wishes to emulate, that we even protest peacefully and civilly, and are a peaceful country at the core (no longer dare we say to the core).

Meanwhile those on the opposite side of the world probably have the real peaceful jobs in which they make one of a kind clothing by hand amidst swirling clouds of dust,  hand pick their food products rather than use tractors, and can carve out a living on the side of mountain without the need for foreign resources.

In the United States we plan or protests in air conditioned Star Bucks locales, then carry out the protest protected by sun tan lotion and bottled water as we make plans on our cell phones for that evenings social calender.

In the opposite side of the world, in places like the Middle East or South East Asia, protest appear  to be of a much more violent and hostile tone.  In America, we generally see americans protesting peacefully, lol, if we see them at all.

In the opposite side of the world, "Death to America" has become a common chant over the past few decades.  Maybe after a real hard day of work in a non air-conditioned, dust laden environment, perhaps I'd be really pissed off as well and would look angry If I then felt obligated to attend a protest.

I like to look for signs from the opposite side of the world that they can assemble in public in a peaceful, responsible manner without suicide bombers lying in wait, and without having to chant "Death to America".  However, I also no longer accept movies like "Transformers" in our own country as being peaceful when they have blatant tie ins to General Motors and their gas guzzling "muscle cars".

In the United States, we tend to not see the underlying violence in messages that are peacefully delivered.  If a message is peacefully delivered, it must be peaceful in nature, we mistakenly believe.  Our news media glamorizes movies like Transformers as General Motors hopes their marketing tie in to this movie will help create the next generation of customers who will purchase their big, loud, powerful gas guzzling anti-oil conservation vehicles.

If I could pass a law, it would be that no longer can an american news broadcaster put their own
comments over images from another country and tell us what we are seeing.  I'm not exactly sure whose voice or message should heard over the images that come from other countries, but how can we trust a news program that advertises and promotes a movie like Transformers as being a good thing in this day and age when we wage war over oil reserves located in other parts of the world?

When it comes to our animals, we love our dogs and cats, and eat cattle. In the opposite side of the world, they revere cattle as being sacred and eat dogs and cats, another example of how the opposite side of the world behaves oppositely to ourselves.

I'm left to wonder, do opposites attract?

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