Thursday, June 26, 2008

Huffington Post Prints Another "Hillary Unfairly Attacked" Piece, HP's "Hypocrisy against Hillary Clinton is off the Charts".

Sigh. Huffington Post is at it again. Now that Hillary Clinton is supposed to support Barack Obama, Huffington Post runs a sympathetic piece about how Dick Morris has repeatedly attacked the Clintons.
Click on image to Enlarge.
The hypocrisy of Huffington Post printing "Hillary unfairly attacked" pieces when Huffington Post was the number one Hillary Clinton internet attacker over the past 6 months is galling, and something that needs to be pointed out.

Any news media outlet that would so freely and easily change from attack mode to empathy mode cannot be trusted as they have their own agenda in place that has very little to do with reporting the actual news.

It's as if George Soros, Huffington Post, and their allies think we are so stupid that we won't notice their attempts to first trash Hillary Clinton, and then simply "Move on" to a new chapter in which they all admit that it was "somebody else" unfairly trashing Hillary Clinton, "AND IT WAS WRONG!"

Huffington Post and friends now casting sympathy towards Hillary Clinton after relentlessly trashing Clinton's reputation reminds me of OJ Simpson vowing to find the people who murdered his wife.
Click on Image to Enlarge.

About six weeks ago it was Jill Iscol writing on Huffington Post about how Hillary Clinton had been unfairly attacked by....everybody else EXCEPT the Huffington Post!

The above are just two examples that try and cover the bloodshed Huffington Post had already inflicted on Hillary Clinton and her campaign. Additional articles bemoaning Hillary Clinton's unfair treatment have appeared on Huffington Post since Hillary Clinton suspended her campaign.

No matter how many articles Huffington Post writes about how unfairy Hillary Clinton was treated during the 2008 democratic campaign, Huffington Post CANNOT take away their own treacherous treatment of Hillary Clinton during that same time period.
Click on Image to Enlarge.

"Follow me all you sheep, follow me over to Obama," seems to be the unwritten message behind Hilary Rosen joining Huffington Post. From head to toe, the whole Barack Obama organization seems to rely on "changing" their point of view as new situations arise. Huffington Post falls into this pattern of behavior as well.

"Changing the type of change when necessary for victory," is how I describe Huffington Post's agenda.

It is my opinion that Huffington Post ran dozens upon dozens of anti Hillary Clinton news stories during the 2008 democratic race and below are several examples.
Click on Image to Enlarge

Notice the actual framing of the picture that is used for the image of Hillary Clinton. The intent is to show Hillary Clinton as being angry and unlikeable. The reality is politicians go through 30 facial expressions EVERY SECOND, so finding a frame to make the person look less likeable is rather easy to do AND is manipulation of the news by those who claim to be the messenger, not the creator of news.

The two narrow pictures below the main picture have been framed to show Clinton and Carville looking evil and menacing. Framing politicians just above the eyes and just below the lips is about the most uncomplementary frame one can choose, but on Huffington Post, it's a way of life.

When I select images for my blog articles, I NEVER intentionally pick a frame that makes somebody look bad. The picture needs to be either of the EXACT or near moment someone says something that is being quoted, or something from around that time period, if possible, without trying to imply that the picture proves the point of the article.

My own "Fair Reflection article" about the Florida delegates article did have images of a confused Robert Wexler, because Wexler was in fact clueless as to what Fair Reflection meant!
At Huffington Post, uncomplementary poses and framing of images of Hillary Clinton were frequently used to promote their anti Hillary Clinton agenda during the 2008 democratic presidential campaign.

Observe the way Huffington Post framed and cropped shots of Hillary Clinton below to make her look unpresidential.
I would probably have well over a hundred or more Huffington Post "anti Hillary Clinton" headlines to choose from if I had started from January of this year and gone through to the end of the democratic primary contests.
Notice the unfriendly cropping on the four headline photos above. Each picture of Hillary Clinton is cropped to make Hillary Clinton look subliminally "wrong" or "not like one of us". Documentaries and news interviews will frame or crop the image around the eyes, or cut off the top and bottom of the face when they want to make someone look unfriendly, untrustworthy, shifty eyed, or angry.

Below are several more photo examples of Huffington Post claiming that momentum is no longer on Hillary Clinton's side. Loss of momentum was actually a major, major part of the assault on Hillary Clinton by Huffington Post and MSNBC, and it started with charges of racism against the Clintons in both Nevada and South Carolina and continued onward with the fraudulent caucus contests back in early February 2008.
As you can see up above, for every Huffington Post anti Hillary Clinton headline, there was also a positive Barack Obama headline as well. Huffington Post always depicted Barack Obama as the more popular candidate.

Huffington Post always projected Barack Obama's popularity as always cresting and surging while Hillary Clinton's popularity was always sinking.

As you can see above, creating tomorrows news yesterday with slanted headlines that either supported Barack Obama or tore at Hillary Clinton's popularity was something Huffinton Post was willing to do on a very regular basis.

Just "accept it" is how the George Soros led media machine was able to put Barack Obama on top and keep him there.....for now.

The two headlines above imply that Hillary Clinton might be a bit unstable.
Above Hillary Clinton is called "the worst person in the world" in the above Huffington Post headline.

Below Huffington Post comes up with a "clever twist" to an expected blow out loss for Barack Obama In West Virginia.
Above (click on the image to see it bigger) Huffington Post actually predicts an OVER EXAGGERATED margin of victory in West Virgina for Hillary Clinton, calling it 80%-20% in favor of Hillary Clinton, then when the actual vote totals come in lower than 80% for Hillary Clinton, Huffington Post accuses Clinton of losing her "racist base" (see headline below).
According to Huffington Post, even when Hillary wins by a HUGE landslide in West Virginia, Hillary Clinton is actually accused of losing her "racist base".

Lets not forget the announcement of John Edwards supporting Barack Obama right after the huge West Virginia victory for Hillary Clinton. This non story was hyped by Huffington Post and immediately supplanted Hillary's blow out win in West Virginia as their headline news story.

Even when Hillary wins by a 41% margin, Barack Obama's introduction of John Edwards at a Barack Obama LOSING RALLY becomes the bigger news story on Huffington Post.

Then chatterbox Huffington Post "Pundits" such as Rachel Maddow and others appear on MSNBC and blather on and on how the Edwards coming out party for Barack Obama is somehow a bigger story than Hillary Clinton winning by a 40% margin in West Virginia.

The interjection of Reality TV excitement into actual news events is a disturbing trend. John Edward's endorsement CANNOT be bigger than the votes of hundreds of thousands of people in an election, especially when it is a landslide victory and is helping to propel Hillary Clinton to win more delegates than Barack Obama over the final two and a half months of the democratic primary contests.

I guess when Howard Dean said whomever does better over the final 2 and 1/2 months of the campaign would win the nomination only counts if it is Barack Obama who was doing better. Hillary Clinton actually did signifcantly better than Barack Obama over the final 10 weeks of the democratic contests yet delegates left her???

Does that make any sense to you?
This was the image on Huffington Post that blotted out Hillary Clinton's West Virginia win. John Edwards smiling at Barack Obama is somehow deemed more newsworthy than Hillary Clinton's crushing victory in West Virginia.

Hillary Clinton is heading towards a projected 54-55% of the popular vote total over the final 8-10 democratic contests and Huffington Post wants everybody to believe that John Edwards walking onto a stage to greet Barack Obama is a bigger story.

Can it get anymore insulting than that? Actually yes, as MSNBC and CNN went with the same theme as well.
The headline above was refuted by SEVERAL pundits as being an over exaggeration and in turn pundits condemned how several George Soros friendly media such as Huffington Post and MSNBC were trying to keep the quote alive and use it as a reason for Hillary Clinton to quit.

SEVERAL news outlets denounced the story as much ado about nothing.

The headline below is from 2006 and clearly shows that Huffington Post had already decided two years ago that Hillary Clinton could not be the nominee.

A purported internet news source such as Huffington Post pretending to be an unbiased news site when it has a predisposed agenda is a form of fraud, no? Shouldn't there be an investigation?
Is it really acceptable for Huffington Post to parade as an "internet newspaper" while all along Huffington Post has a built in agenda to hype one democratic candidate defeat another?

Newsweek comes to the aid of George Soros, Huffington Post, MSNBC, CNN, MOVE ON, Media Matters, and Daily Kos attack squad, with an article that claims it is impossible to cheat in an election.

Of course Newsweek never mentions the caucus cheating that went on in which one million voters were able to over ride the will of 35 million voters, and Newsweek never mentions what "Fair-Reflection" means to the democratic party.

Oh wait, maybe I was wrong. (sarcasm alert) Maybe Huffington Post did put a very nice picture of Hillary Clinton on their website.........
.......After Hillary Clinton was forced to drink the Obama Kool Aid or risk further wrath and damage from Huffington Post and MSNBC's ongoing assault for not quitting the race sooner.

Below is me getting banned from Huffington Post after my articles on the George Soros / Arianna Huffington hook up appeared on my blogs.

Don't be alarmed, you're not banned, that was me getting banned from Huffington Post. That was the message that popped up on my Huffington Post account after my George Soros / Arianna Huffington "have hooked up" articles appeared on my blogs.

The banning by Huffington Post just gives me more time for my own blogs.

Works for me.

(Edit update - Dec. 16, 2010 11:04 PM - It should be noted that is all just Huffington Post. While Huffington Post was doing their daily Hillary Clinton assault and Barack Obama is great fluff pieces, there was MSNBC assaulting Hillary Clinton almost by the hour, Time, Newsweek with their hit pieces, The Atlantic, lets not forget the FOUR HUNDRED COLUMNISTS WHO COVERTLY AGREED TO PROTECT BARACK OBAMA FROM ANY RACIST TIES while simultaneously either ignoring Hillary Clinton, or attacking her.)

I hope you in the mainstream media are all proud. Every day 10,000 Americans lose their home, and Barack Obama just keeps his poker face on, as if it has nothing to do with him.

Ralph Nader comments hit the mark.

Original story at Ralph Nader Partial Transcript from Rocky Mountain News

It was sad watching MSNBC trash Ralph Nader and his comments about Barack Obama's candidacy. MSNBC and its "pundits" called Ralph Nader "out of touch", "craving attention", "comments from an old guy" "out of it", and that the comments were racist.

What Ralph Nader said, in my opinion, was that Barack Obama has been bought by George Soros and Company. Barack will avoid confrontation with anybody that supports or is supported by Soros. Of course MSNBC will be all over Nader and trash him since they are part of the Soros led media takeover.

Rather than being a very popular, maverick candidate with a shining star future in the democratic party whose grass roots candidacy barely lost to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama chose to be owned by George Soros in exchange for the over the top help it gave him against Hillary Clinton. Ralph Nader saw exactly what has happened and how it has compromised Barack Obama and hit a bullseye with his comments.

I believe that the level of media collusion backing George Soros and subsequently supporting each other already exists. Ralph Nader's comments may have been attention getting, but they were right on the mark, Barack Obama is beholden to too many other interests.

George Soros, Huffington Post, MSNBC, MoveOn, Media Matters, Newsweek, and CNN have played favorites politically while claiming to be news oriented non biased media. This is the kind of fraud that needs to be investigated by the FBI.

Here is the transcript of what Nader said from the Rocky Mountain News.


Q: "Do you see Barack Obama as qualitatively different than Al Gore or any other Democrats. He talks about taking on lobbyists, not taking money directly from lobbyists ... People portray him as being different. Do you see him as being any better than Al Gore or any of the other Democrats that you've opposed over the years?"

Nader: "No. I mean, he's deceiving people. He takes, he takes ... In this very building he would take money from corporate lawyers who are not registered lobbyists but whose desks are across the aisle from corporate lawyers who are registered lobbyists in the same law firm. That has been reported more than once in the mainstream press ... Six out of seven industries, as of a month ago, have given more money to Obama than they have to McCain, only the transportation industry is more equal opportunity corruption.

"Look at the health care industry. It has poured money into his campaign. The securities industry, the defense industry. No.

"There's only one thing different about Barack Obama when it comes to being a Democratic presidential candidate. He's half African-American. Whether that will make any difference, I don't know. I haven't heard him have a strong crackdown on economic exploitation in the ghettos. Payday loans, predatory lending, asbestos, lead. What's keeping him from doing that? Is it because he wants to talk white? He doesn't want to appear like Jesse Jackson? We'll see all that play out in the next few months and if he gets elected afterwards."

"I think his main problem is that he censors himself. He knows exactly who has power, who has too much, who has too little, what needs to be done right down to the community level. But he has bought the advice that if you want to win the election, you better take it easy on the corporate abuses and do X, Y, Z. When I hear that I say, 'Oh, I see. So he's doing all this to win the election, and then he'll be different.

"Well let's see if it worked. Did it work for Mondale? Did it work for Dukakis? Did it work for Clinton? Yes, but only because of Perot? Did it work for Gore? Did it work for Kerry ... ?"

Q: "Do you think he's trying to, what was your term, 'talk white?'"

NADER: "Of course. I mean, first of all, the number one thing that a black American politician aspiring to the presidency should be is to candidly describe the plight of the poor, especially in the inner cities and the rural areas, and have a very detailed platform about how the poor is going to be defended by the law, is going to be protected by the law, and is going to be liberated by the law. Haven't heard a thing.

"I mean, the amount of economic exploitation in the ghettos is shocking. You'd think he'd propose a task force to at least study it. I mean, these people are eroded every day. The kids, bodies are asbestos and lead, municipal services discriminate against them because it's the poor area, including fire and police protection and building code enforcement. And then the lenders, the loan sharks get at them, and the dirty food ends up in the ghettos, like the contaminated meat. It's a dumping ground for shoddy merchandise. You don't see many credit unions there. You don't see many libraries there. You don't see many health clinics there. This is, we're talking 40-50 million Americans who are predominantly African-Americans and Latinos. Anybody see that kind of campaigning? Have you seen him campaign in real poor areas of the city very frequently? No, he doesn't campaign there."

Q: "What do you think the purpose of that is?"

NADER: "He wants to show that he is not a threatening, a political threatening, another politically-threatening African-American politician.

"He wants to appeal to white guilt. You appeal to white guilt not by coming on as a black is beautiful, black is powerful. Basically he's coming on as someone who is not going to threaten the white power structure, whether it's corporate or whether it's simply oligarchic. And they love it. Whites just eat it up."

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Chris Matthews Insists one more time that Hillary Clinton "Lost" because of her Iraq War Vote.

Unfortunately I did not snap a picture of Chris ONCE AGAIN blaming Hillary Clinton for losing the nomination because of her vote on the Iraq war. The reason I am notating it is I think there was a conspiracy to prevent Hillary Clinton from the nomination and this the Iraq Vote is the fall back excuse that everyone involved in the conspiracy has agreed to use.

This latest incident happened at the end of Matthew's HardBall show on Tuesday, June 24, 2008. What I loved was how two of the three guests he had on basically disagreed, with the third guest I think not responding at all. Why does Matthews feel compelled to bring "the War Vote" as the reason Clinton did not win the nomination, over and over and over again?

I think it's to divert any attention away from himself and the colluders who decided long ago to stop Hillary. Consider this topic a "marker" for future reference for anyone interested.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Barack Obama Practicing His Belly Flops under David Axelrod's Guidance.

John Kerry was labeled the Flip Flopper, and it appears Barack Obama is headed towards being this years sister version of the Flip Flopper, the Belly Flopper. I blame David Axelrod for this. Axelrod's biggest strength is also his biggest weakness, Axelrod gives up no ground to anyone on anything.

I believe Axelrod's type of sociopathic arrogance will backfire. Never admitting anything about anything that one may have done wrong is akin to what the George Bush administration is all about. Before one trys to apply that same label to the Clintons, at least they would move on once they saw an idea of theirs was not going to get through and try and come up with a more acceptable plan.

Barack Obama's approach seems to be different. Admit nothing, and when you fly over the handlebars and make a spectacular head over heels crash landing, just dust yourself off and say, "I meant to do that".

Barack Obama definitely has a tightrope act to follow, he must be confident, concise, and unwavering in his views, while still being "progressive" and "new wave" for the younger crowd that believes in him, even as he courts older people's money that comes attached with older world views. Because of this, David Axelrod is the worst person in the world to still lead Barack Obama's campaign.

I think it's time for Axelrod to finish drinking the Kool Aid and let someone else take over that people will actually believe. Axelrod served his purpose. He played his role of bad cop to the extreme, which in turn allowed Barack Obama to be the good cop. When Barack dumps Axelrod, then I'll at least have a tiny bit of faith that Barack Obama is his own man.

The bigger question however is, when does Barack Obama really develop his own style and dump George Soros.

http://www.Obama Closely Linked with Corn. Barack Obama backs the Ethanol industry even while dissing petroleum. Unfortunately Ethanol cannot be pipelined because of it's volatility, which means the moment you move the lightweight yet voluminous corn to a processing plant, you are using petroleum to move it, which wipes out significant portion of alleged ethanol advantage.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Hillary Clinton as President, Barack Obama as Vice President. A Quinnipiac, Rasmussen, and Gallup Poll WE NEED TO SEE!

We've seen every other poll combination out there. Now it's time to see the one Poll that really matters most, Hillary Clinton as President and Barack Obama as her VP. Since Hillary Clinton had as many if not more people vote for her than Barack Obama, can we quit ignoring the most obvious poll of all?
I'd like to see how a Hillary as President, Barack Obama as VP compares with all the other polls that have been done. If you agree, please email Quinnipiac, Rasmussen and Gallup and see if they will do such a poll.

It is important that if this poll is done, that the phone interviews not go for more than 3-5 minutes, as that is where the older crowd gets impatient, especially when the interviewer keeps asking the same question several different ways.


Email Contacts for the three main polls that I know of....

Gallup Contact us

Rasmussen Phone: 732-776-9777
Quinnipiac Poll,
Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute is available for comment on New York City, New York State and national polls and politics. He can be reached by phone at 203-582-5334 or 203-582-5201.

Doug Schwartz, director of the Quinnipiac University Poll is available for comment on Connecticut polls and politics as well as questions regarding methodology. He can be reached by phone at 203-582-5201 or by email at

Clay F. Richards, assistant director of the Polling Institute and chief spokesperson for the New Jersey and Pennsylvania polls can be reached via e-mail at

Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, is available for comment on the Florida and Ohio polls and can be reached via e-mail at

April A. Radocchio, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, can be contacted to obtain copies or information regarding archived poll releases. Please call 203-582-5295 or email If you wish E-mail copy please specify choice of Word 6.0 document or text file.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Another MSNBC moment at Hillary Clinton's Expense, the Giggle Fest is reason enough for Hillary Clinton to NOT Campaign for Barack Obama.

This moment was from last week. A gigglefest was had by all, once again on MSNBC. I really don't want to see Hillary Clinton or Bill Clinton campaign for the Barack Obama camp at all after seeing all the joyous mockery coming from MSNBC last week.
The Laugh fest at Hillary Clinton's expense went on for several seconds. I don't give credit to MSNBC for toning down their attacks on the Clintons as it coincided with the death of Tim Russert and the Floods in Iowa.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Terrific Political Pundits can be Found on Cable News Shows, you just have to Look Hard.

It appears to me that the pundits that appear the most regularly on Cable News Shows tend to have an interaction with hosts who are familiar with them. Shtick happens, is one way to describe it. If the hosts are left smiling at the end of their interaction, the guest pundit may be asked back. But what if the pundit is honest, direct, intellectually solid, or just a solid individual not ready to advance the television shows agenda?

There are some really good political pundits who appear on the Cable News Shows. I found two recently that were refreshing.
Mary Frances Berry and Phil Bronstein are two pundits who came off to me as being honest first, and agenda driven last. I probably will start searching out these kind of pundits in the future as they are refreshing to watch.

I'd also like to recognize Pat Buchanan as being a breathe of valid air on MSNBC for being comfortable defending the defendable, even when those that have their own shows think differently. Pat Buchanan has become a valid bull pen guy that saves the game more often than is noticed.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

MSNBC HardBall with Chris Matthews Joyfully Discusses whether the Clintons will be House Servants or Field Slaves.

My Heart isn't in to spending an hour or two transcribing Willie Brown's jovially condescending speech about how to "handle Bill Clinton" or the banter that Chris Matthews and Hilary Rosen added in between their laughter at Willie Brown's words.

This exchange happened on Hardball, June 10, 2008. Although the words House Servant and Field Slave were not expressly used, the content pretty much fell into those two categories.

Memo to MSNBC, just because your on air pundits laugh as they spew condescending comments, doesn't make it acceptable, or newsworthy.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Obama, Richardson and Kerry Elevate Ethical Hypocrisy to a New Plain.

When Bill Richardson and John Kerry demanded that Hillary Clinton quit the race so the party could rally around Barack Obama, did they not at that moment take their name off of the Vice President List?

Can anyone objectively rationalize that it is ethical to first publically demand a viable candidate step down from a race that was too close to call in the popular vote, and then be considered for the VP position by the other remaining candidate?

Is this the ethical cleansing of change that Barack Obama brings with his campaign? Can Barack Obama's think tank be running so on empty that even the most obvious ethical decisions remain on the table for further discussion?

Tim Russert Passes.

Please leave a Tim Russert remembrance if you have one.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008 Blog makes it onto

The most satisfying aspect to having an article linked by was my not knowning they might do that. The link will probably only be on their website for a few days so if you read this article in the future and go there it probably won't be there, but at the present time it is up on the left side margin column under KO Mini-Blog.

That's the good news, the bad news is by linking to my article and by my mentioning the linking of the article it gives somebody in need of mental counseling (Keith Olbermann), even more publicity.

Speaking of publicity, Keith Olberman ran an 8 minute montage recap on the recently completed Democratic and Republican races. The Video edited montage was really really nicely put together and probably could get an award on it's own merit, assuming Olbermann allows it to be entered into the appropriate national television award competitions.

Olbermann spent about 2 seconds at the end of his show mentioning the producer/editor who did such a flawless job on the political montage, barely speaking his name in a legible manner. I unfortunately missed the name because Olbermann said it so quickly and incoherently.

I find that to be a slight, a pathetic and ungrateful way Keith Olbermann treats those who help him rise farther than his caustic personality would ever allow. Olbermann spent four and a half minutes attacking John McCain's memory on a previous show after McCain had eloquently pointed out the Media Abuse Hillary Clinton received during her historic campaign. Two seconds crediting a producer/editor for putting together an 8 minute flawless video clip, priceless, Mr. Olbermann.

Oh wait, the producer/editor should be grateful just to have a job AND for being able to put "worked on the Keith Olbermann show" on his resume. (sarcasm alert).

Hillary Clinton Websites (from a Craigslist List)

This website DOES NOT advocate any physical violence or the threat of physical violence of any kind towards any political candidate, their family, extended family, or affiliates of said political candidate. If you have knowledge of a "rogue link" on this website that goes to such a site please notify me and I will remove the link and ask that you report the site in question to the proper authorities

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Chris Matthews MSNBC On Air Anti Hillary Clinton Meltdown, June 9th, 2008.

Coming soon, relive Chris Matthews on air meltdown as he repeatedly belittles Hillary Clinton. Does Chris Matthews have a crush on Hillary Clinton? When a purportedly straight man goes after a presidential candidate of the opposite sex with such boundless energy and timeless enthusiam, the question must be asked, does Chris Matthews have a thing for Hillary Clinton?

Can you picture Matthews in the second grade, bow tie, knee high socks, sitting on a bench, alone, staring off at Hillary on another bench being courted by the handsome kid. Matthews all forlorn, looking down at his buster brown shoes with the double knotted laces, telling himself that one day he would have a gal as cool as Hillary Clinton, or else.

I think it's safe to say we've arrived at the "or else" part of the equation.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews, can somebody put these MSNBC Pundits out of their Journalistic Misery?

Keith Olbermann used a news clip of John McCain DEFENDING HILLARY CLINTON AGAINST MEDIA ATTACKS, to Ostracize John McCain! To top it off, KO actually somehow convinced a senior editor from Newsweek named Jonathan Alter to go along with the charade!
Keith Olbermann introduces his egomaniacal diatribe... "Senator McCain Caught Lying to the Media about having criticized the media......."

The four minute plus trashing of John McCain by Keith Olbermann and Jonathan Alter was in response to the following John McCain comment,"Senator Clinton has earned great respect for her tenacity & courage. The media often overlooked how compassionately she spoke to the concerns and dreams of millions of americans, and she deserves a lot more appreciation then she sometimes received." -end John McCain quote

After showing McCain stating the above, Keith Olbermann and Jonathan Alter conduct a four minute attack on McCain as the two insinuate that McCain has memory issues and that he can no longer get away with lying, because of video. Huh?

Olbermann and Alter spent four minutes nit picking a "memory" talking point over a comment McCain makes in which he eloquently defends Hillary Clinton. Masquerading personal agendas under the guise of "McCain is losing his memory" is irresponsible journalism. I feel badly that Jonathan Alter of Newsweek feels compelled to take part in "Keith's World" as I believe it brings down the authenticity of Newsweek magazine.

Olbermann now believes he can get on the air and talk about anything and relate it to himself and his self importance while pretending it is about something else. I've lost a great deal of respect for whomever is in charge of keeping Keith Olberman halfway sane.

Olbermann's act has gotten old, tired, and in need of an enema. Matthews and Olberman think they are above reproach and are so ethically out of control that I cannot understand how people around them can live with themselves for letting these two guys loose on the airwaves.


When I watch Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews, I feel like I am watching Invasion of the Journalism Integrity Snatchers. Just today, Chris Matthews mentioned that George Bush was handed a projected 3 trillion dollar surplus which he has turned into a 5 trillion dollar deficit during his administration, without mentioning it was Bill Clinton's presidency that handed the 3 Trillion dollar surplus to George Bush!

For Chris Matthews to actually use Pro Clinton information that he purposely IGNORED during the democratic nomination race, just shows whatever integrity Matthews may have once possessed has surely declined to the point of non-existence.

Can somebody at NBC get a backbone and get these doofusses off of the air?

Fair Reflection Protest Movement.

Please click on the link below to learn about the Fair Reflection Protest Movement.
Fair Reflection Protest Movement

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hillary Clinton Forced to Give Suspension Speech to Her Supporters.

The Media Attack spearheaded by George Soros, Huffington Post, and MSNBC against Hillary Clinton took the next step as Hillary Clinton was forced to give a suspension speech to her supporters in support of Barack Obama.
As has been the standard operating procedure for several months, Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann speak with an aire of inevitability, actually creating the news rather than reporting it. The news you see today is the story line Olberman, Matthews, Andrea Mitchell and company at MSNBC, plus Huffington Post, helped initiate several day ago.

Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews moderated the pomp and cirumcumstance as Tim Russert stood by on the sidelines, another victim of the Olbermann and Matthews arrogance that grows by the day.

Nowhere was the term Fair Reflection mentioned as the democratic party goes down the path of letting a billionaire and his proxy Arianna Huffington manipulate and control the democratic party nominating process to a degree never witnessed before.

Friday, June 6, 2008

UnFair Rejection. How the Democratic Party Ignored the Reality of "Fair Reflection" and Hillary Clinton's Advantage over Barack Obama.

These are the Great Plain Caucus States that Barack Obama used to build his insurmountable lead back in February of 2008. But did the margin of victory in these 9 caucus state victories offer a "fair reflection" of the voters in those states?

The final two races in the Great Plains region were not caucus races, but primary races instead. Suddenly, Barack Obama's 2-1 margin of victory in the Caucus States was reduced to an almost identical 50-50 popular vote split for both Montana and South Dakota.

This is clear evidence that the caucus states did not provide "Fair Reflection" of the voters of their states. Fair Reflection is a tenet that the Democratic party has chosen to ignore this year, and may alienate some of their own democratic voter base because of it.

Meanwhile the american media REFUSES to even mention the word Fair Reflection nor delve head on into this issue.

New Blog from Alessandro Machi, WALL STREET CHANGE, is now Online.

Wall Street Change

While the George Soros / Arianna Huffington led Media Attack against Hillary Clinton appears to be succeeding, I think it important to not lose sight of issues that affect every american on a daily level.

Wall Street fascinates me.

I understand that Wall Street represents a link to the global business community, but is the Wall Street Status quo acceptable to americans who are seeing their local economy suffer as a result?

When Wall Street Stock rises because a fortune 500 company reduces american labor force, even when that labor force was not actually losing the company money, it becomes clear that Wall Street's agenda is different from that which is decent for the american citizen. I'd like Wall Street Change to be a place where we build simple ideas into simple solutions that maybe one day get incorporated by Wall Street.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Advice to the Hillary Clinton Campaign.

My Advice to the Hillary Clinton Campaign, stay in it to pay off your debt, so you don't owe the democratic party any favors. Don't release your delegates. Don't undermine Barack Obama in the next few months, which everybody knows you wouldn't do anyways.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

MSNBC Continues to Put the Heat on Hillary Clinton to GIVE UP or ELSE.

The torrent of Hillary must quit programming put out by MSNBC continues from one show to the next. The hosts change, but the message stays the same. Just who is MSNBC to DICTATE the future rather than report the present?

Ron Christie Quote "Not only do you not bargain but I think she could be a little more gracious than she has been. I have still not heard Senator Clinton say 'congratulations, senator Obama for clinching the nomination. I look forward to working with you in beating John McCain this fall.'"


"Senator Obama is the standard bearer, it's his party now. but I don't think it's gracious to try to bargain for the VP spot now, I just don't."


This is just the tip of the MSNBC Hillary assault iceberg, it's been going on all day on the hour every hour. I hold MSNBC responsible for the most harrassing use of a news channel I have ever witnessed against a political candidate.