Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Barack Obama DonorGate Fundraising Mystery, Is Barack Obama electronically set up to get monthly donations from non-existent donors?

Open Secrets.org is a website that tracks political donor funding. One page that I found interesting is this one. Barack Obama Monthly Donation Charts. Anyone can track day by day donations for both Barack Obama and John McCain.

The first thing I noticed when I randomly checked a couple of months was that Barack Obama always had his best donation day on the final day of the month, each and every month. I decided to check out a theory of mine, and I was intrigued when it proved true.

My theory has to do with the sham donations that Barack Obama gets. Nobody knows how many dollars Barack Obama has illegally received, but it has been shown that there are sham names and addresses that actually do give donations to Barack Obama's campaign on a repeating basis.

My hunch is that some entity has set up monthly autopay donations to Barack Obama that kick in on the final day of each calendar month.

I will acknowledge that the Barack Obama team tries to prod its contributors at the end of each month for additional donations, but for some reason, in the month of February, there was no donation "surge" for Barack Obama. February is a curious month to have gotten no end of the month surge as Barack Obama was still battling Hillary Clinton. There was a surge around February 6th, & 7th, and perhaps that minimized the surge later that month. But I doubt that because I would surmise that surge on the 6th and 7th of February was because Barack Obama did well on February 5th, also known as the first Super Tuesday of the election. Now you know the real significance of not counting Michigan in the win column, it helped result in a bigger funding boost for Barack Obama because Michigan's numbers were not counted at that time.

My theory is that there is a network of autopay donations going to Barack Obama that were/are set up for either the 30th or 31st of each month. This results in a huge push going into the next month. However, because February only has 28 days, something went wrong. Maybe Barack Obama's camp messed up in February because February has only 28 days. Or maybe those involved messed up February because Barack Obama moved his headquarters and branched out because of all the caucus contests in February. However, if all it takes is sending out an email to create an end of the month surge in donations, how come the end of February shows no such surge for Barack Obama?

The Open Secrets.org data shows that for every month in 2008, from January through the end of July, Barack Obama's best donation day was always the final day of the month, EXCEPT FOR FEBRUARY. And we're not talking by a little bit, we're talking a MASSIVE increase in political donations on the very last day of every month except for February.

Assuming that the Barack Obama fundraising machine sends out emails at the end of each month asking for another donation, why would the end of February not surge for Barack Obama the way each other month surged?

To those who are trying to track all of the fraudulent donations made to the Barack Obama campaign, I am suggesting to focus on donations that are made on the last day of each month. It sure may be easier trying to look for made up names and addresses if one can focus to one day out of the month instead of every day of the month.

And in case you may be wondering how not counting Michigan affected the race. If Michigan had been in play, Hillary Clinton would not only have won Super Tuesday, but Barack Obama could not have put so many "ground troops" in all the caucus states, some of those people would have had to have been put in Michigan, and the net result would have been that Hillary Clinton would have more decisively won on February 5th and slowed down Barack Obama's influx of money that arrived on the 6th, 7th, and 8th of February, not to mention all the media hoopla Barack Obama got from MSNBC.


Portia said...
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Anonymous said...

This graph

Would lead me to believe that there is some other reason for the "end of month spike". Since McCain's spike is so much larger than any other daily contribution during the entire month.

Anonymous said...

This is not technically a "theory" because there is no evidence except guesswork and your imagination.

You might be able to call it a "hybothesis," but unless you can get real evidence to support your idea - OTHER than circumstantial "he gets more money at the end of the month..." you "Theory" is no more than wishful thinking.

Alessandro Machi said...

As stated directly in my article, IN BOLD, "To those who are trying to track all of the fraudulent donations made to the Barack Obama campaign, I am suggesting to focus on donations that are made on the last day of each month. It sure may be easier trying to look for made up names and addresses if one can focus to one day out of the month instead of every day of the month."

I may have to add some examples of the fraudulent donations that are leeching into the Barack Obama campaign at unknown rates.

Alessandro Machi said...

One other point, hypothesis or theory, so what. If someone had set up several fake accounts, of which there are documented cases, to give at the end of each month, February would be the one month that could throw a monkey wrench into that since it only has 28 days.

Anonymous said...

I just donated $25 to Obama's campaign in your honor. I filed it under "the black helicopters are coming and I know because I'm a tinfoil hat wearer".


Alessandro Machi said...

better to cover up the fake donations.