Whenever I overhear Keith Olbermann and his protege Rachel Maddow speak, I am reminded of Snidely Whiplash from the Dudley Do Right Cartoon and Natasha from the Rocky and Squirrel cartoon. Unfortunately, Snidely Whiplash and Natasha were the bad guys. The same can be said about K.O. and R.M. as they calmly tell us how misguided we are if we believe that Sarah Palin is Vice Presidential material.
I've begun to notice a "pattern" among the liberal media this year. First it was sexism and ageism against the Hillary Clinton campaign, then it was ageism against John McCain, now it is Alaskism against Sarah Palin, all emanating from the LIBERAL MEDIA.
Alaskism means the ridiculing of people from another part of the world where it's cold and dark, a lot. Alaskism's come in many forms. Examples include ridiculing people from Alaska for having tanning beds. Superimposing a bikini clad body under the face of the vice presidential candidate is another way to for the liberal media to Alaskism their way merrily along.
Cuddling up with a loved one in cold, cold, Alaska is a no no according to the puritanical liberal media. If cuddling leads to more intimacy which results in a pregnancy, the liberal media will ridicule that. If the cuddlers have had a "secret" abortion, the liberal media will find out and throw it in their faces.
If the cuddlers have the child, the liberal media will throw that in their face as well for having premarital sex. If the cuddlers have a kid and it has downs syndrome, they'll first blame Sarah Palin for improper pre natal care, then when there is an uproar over that insinuation, the liberal media will claim they dropped the story because of the lack of civility from conservatives responding to the story. (Just ask Alan Colmes). It's as if the liberal media thinks they own the topic of sex and can use it at will to ridicule conservatives.
I just don't understand how liberal media types that live in the continental United States feel entitled to judge our Alaskan neighbors with such arrogance and mockery. Imagine what it must be like that whenever you go outside, you are probably bundled up in several extra layers of clothing. Every single time you go outside, you are wearing twice the clothing, go back inside, unbundle. Bundle, unbundle, all day long. The Great Plains states and surrounding areas have very cold winters as well, I just find it odd for the liberal media to so freely and easily ridicule anybody that lives through months upon months of cold weather.
Hey, lets make fun of moose meat, tanning beds, roads to nowhere, or being mayor of a less densely populated region of the planet. We'd better never inhabit the moon or surely the liberal media would ridicule a place that would be even less populated than Alaska. I could see the liberal media about now, "You were mayor on the moon, HA, you governed less than a hundred people, big whoop." That's about how ignorant Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow sound to me these days.
Here's an idea for the liberal media, don't use your pampered lifestyle in posh, comfortable surroundings to judge people who live in cold, dark, places and have more struggles in a single day than you do in a year.
Being liberal this year means throwing everything against a wall and hyping anything that will momentarily stick. Ironically, many Alaskans make their living using that same approach. The difference is Alaskans don't go around judging the rest of us, too bad the liberal media can't do the same as they smugly judge people who live in less densely populated, harsher conditions than themselves.
I can't stand the 2008 liberal media and the only hope we have is to defeat Barack Obama and cleanse the D.N.C. and MSNBC so I can go back to the party that I used to be a staunch support of, the democratic party.